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“Movement brings you to yoga, stillness causes you to stay!”


This quote by Katherine, summarizes not only her yoga philosophy but also her journey to the mat. As an endurance/ultra-endurance athlete, yoga was a ‘training tool’—a means to an end. Until……an illness and subsequent injury suspend all sport leaving only the possibility of gentle and restorative yoga. It was during this ‘gift’ of forced stillness that Katherine embraced the ‘whole’ of yoga—the mindful union of coordinated breath (pranayama) with meditative movement (asana).


As an integrative Registered Dietitian and exercise physiologist, Katherine intellectually knew the benefits of yoga and meditation but it wasn’t until stillness occurred that the full practice blossomed. 


A native of the Midwest (West Virginia & Ohio), Katherine completed her 200-hour teacher training with SchoolHouse Yoga & 3rd Street Yoga in Pittsburgh Pa. Additional trainings have been under teachers of: the Baptiste, Viniyoga (Gary Kraftsow), Kripalu, and Kundalini traditions. Her trainings in mindfulness have been under the protégé’s of Jon Kabat-Zinn.


Katherine herself has published scientific peer-reviewed articles on integrative medicine including yoga and mindfulness for chronic disease management and treatment. 


When not counseling clients or teaching yoga you’re likely to find her hiking with her 2 Golden Retrievers, cycling with friends, or kayaking, skiing or just chill’ with her husband!


She looks forward to sharing her powerful, playful, and metaphysical practice to you, the residents of her ‘new’ Grand Valley home.

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